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3 Ways to Get Rid of Upper Arm Flab for Good (Liposuction, Arm Lift, CoolSculpting)

3 Ways to Get Rid of Upper Arm Flab for Good (Liposuction, Arm Lift, CoolSculpting)

Many people are unhappy with the shape of their arms. It’s not enough to have a toned rear end or tight abs; you must also have slender, shapely arms.

If nature didn’t give you the arms you desire, you still have options. Dieting and exercise can help, but sometimes, neither gives you the desired results. The Advanced Plastic Surgery Center specialists explain more about what else you can do.

The causes of upper arm flab

Spot-reducing your trouble zones usually isn’t effective. If your upper arms are larger than you’d like them to be–especially if they have a lot of fat–there may be one or more of several reasons for it.

Some of these reasons include the following:

While some of these factors can be modified, it’s often not possible. That’s where we come in.

How to get rid of upper arm flab

Regardless of the cause of your upper arm flab, you probably don’t like it and want to get rid of it. This is understandable, especially because many of us work hard on our physical appearance.

Here is more information about your three main options for getting rid of it with our help.


Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. When we perform liposuction on you, the first thing we’ll do after you come in for the procedure is to give you anesthesia. You won’t feel any pain from liposuction.

We make small incisions in your upper arms and remove the excess fat from underneath your skin. The primary tool we use for this is a cannula, which looks like a thin metal straw. Then, we close the surgical incisions and send you home once we’ve determined that you’re ready.

Arm lift

Your problem may be caused by sagging or excess skin on your upper arms. In this case, you want an arm lift, which uses surgical incisions to pull your skin upwards. 

The recovery is more involved because this procedure requires more incisions than liposuction. However, the potential results are also more significant. Some patients request both liposuction and an arm lift; we’ll let you know if this is a good option.


CoolSculpting uses a technique called cryolysis, which means that it freezes fat cells over time. Freezing fat cells allows them to be eliminated from the body over time.

The results aren’t instant, and achieving your desired results may take more than one session. However, it’s virtually painless and doesn’t require any recovery time at all.

How to decide which options are best

The same options aren’t right for every person. To remove your upper arm flab, you may follow any of the three procedures mentioned. 

Which one you choose is determined largely by how significant of a problem your upper arm flab is for you. For example, if you’re not significantly overweight, you might see enough results from CoolSculpting alone.

However, if you carry extra weight or have other genetic factors, you might need liposuction and an arm lift.

The best way to determine which option is best for you is to schedule a consultation. We’ll be happy to discuss your options and help you decide. Contact us to schedule an appointment in our Arlington, VA office, or request an appointment online.

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