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5 Reasons to Consider a Mommy Makeover

5 Reasons to Consider a Mommy Makeover

Having children is one of the highlights of life for most women. But you may not feel as happy about the changes to your body after having children. Even if you have lost most of your pregnancy weight, you probably noticed that your body still looks different.

The skin on your stomach may have stretched out. Your breasts may look a bit deflated, especially if you breastfed your children. You may feel like you have to live with the changes to your body. But the providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center explain more about an alternative that can make you love the way you look again: the mommy makeover.

What’s included in a “mommy makeover?”

If you’ve ever wished for a magic “undo” button that could erase the effects on your body of having children, you might have figured that there’s nothing that you can do. But it turns out that a mommy makeover is pretty close to having the power to create that magic undo button.

A mommy makeover may include the following procedures:

We will discuss which particular procedures you’ll need when you come in for a pre-surgical consultation. The mommy makeover is always a highly individualized procedure, and it’s specifically designed to give you the best body possible.

1.  Have your mommy makeover at the right time

The best time to get a mommy makeover is when you’re done with your childbearing. If you still plan to have more children, you should wait for the surgery until you’re finished because another pregnancy can require another surgery.

The recovery from a mommy makeover is also considerable, so you should time it for when you can devote adequate time for recovery. For at least 3-4 weeks, you won’t be able to lift more than 5-10 pounds, so you may want to time it for when you don’t have a lot of duties for a lot of hands-on childcare.

2.  Get your body back

If you want to get back to your pre-pregnancy body, the mommy makeover is your best chance. You will feel more confident in your clothing again and may even have the confidence to wear a swimsuit again. 

3.  Reduce aches and pains

Many of the aches and pains you experience may not be caused just by being a new mom. Some of them can be due to lingering effects of childbirth, including lower back pain. Weaker abdominal muscles can cause lower back pain. You may find that these pains completely disappear once you’ve recovered.

4.  Increased confidence

Many women report that getting a mommy makeover is key to regaining the same sense of confidence they once had before getting pregnant. You’ll find that you likely have more confidence again, and this may benefit you in multiple ways, from feeling better about how you look to even pursuing more career opportunities.

5.  Looking and feeling younger

You may also feel surprised that you look and feel younger after getting a mommy makeover. Many of us often have subconscious views of being older once we have children. Restoring your body can make you feel and look much younger once your body looks younger.

If you want to find out the results you can expect from getting a mommy makeover, make an appointment for a consultation. Contact the providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center today or request an appointment online.

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