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How Soon Can You Get a Breast Augmentation after Breastfeeding?

How Soon Can You Get a Breast Augmentation after Breastfeeding?

Having children is one of the most fulfilling experiences in many women’s lives. But there’s also no question that it also changes your body in ways that you might not feel too happy about. Maybe you’ve considered getting breast augmentation surgery to make your bustline look fuller.

But you can’t get breast implants immediately after pregnancy and breastfeeding. The specialists at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center explain more about the optimal timing of getting a breast augmentation.

Why should you wait

Your body undergoes a lot of transformations during and after pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you don’t feel quite the same, it’s not surprising. The effects of these changes on your body are profound.

If you choose to breastfeed–which is recommended when possible–your breasts change a lot, too. Your breast tissue continues to change throughout the time you’re breastfeeding your child. 

You want to wait for a breast augmentation until after you have finished breastfeeding for at least several months to allow your breast tissue to stabilize. This usually takes 3-6 months.

The pros of waiting until you’re done having children

For best results, you may want to consider waiting until your family is complete before getting a breast augmentation.

While it is possible to breastfeed if you have breast implants, it’s undoubtedly a lot more challenging. Most women can breastfeed after breast augmentation, but a lot depends on the placement of your implants and the type of incisions used. 

Generally speaking, larger implants will have more of an effect on your ability to produce milk because they pressure the breast tissue, causing the glands that produce milk to atrophy.

Another factor to consider is that each pregnancy affects your body, even if you decide not to breastfeed your children. You might prefer to wait until you’re sure your childbearing years are behind you. It would feel incredibly disappointing to have already had surgery to enhance your breasts and still experience sagging breast tissue and lost breast volume, which can happen even if you have breast implants.

The benefits of breast augmentation

Getting a breast augmentation can do wonders in boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes, we may also recommend breast lift and breast augmentation surgery.

A breast lift raises the tissue so that your breasts sit higher on your chest like they once did before pregnancy. We can do this at the same time your breast augmentation is performed.

Some of the many benefits of breast augmentation you may experience include the following:

Losing breast volume happens to many women for many reasons, including age. Breast augmentation can be a great solution if you want to look more youthful and feminine.

The risks of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is generally very safe for most women. It’s a much safer procedure than it was many years ago.

However, some risks are common. They include the following:

And of course, breast implants are not a one-time procedure. Most women need to replace their implants after about ten years.

If you’re considering getting breast augmentation, making a consultation will answer a lot of your questions. Contact the specialists at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center today or request an appointment online.

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