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The Different Types of Facelifts

Few things can make you look as dramatically younger as a facelift. While it’s usually considered a fairly significant procedure that also comes with a substantial recovery, most people find that the results are well worth it. A facelift can erase many cosmetic issues like loose and sagging skin, jowls, and deep lines in your skin. 

However, not all facelifts are created equal, and which one you need is often a highly individual issue. The providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center explain more about the different types of facelifts and how to know which type is right for you.

An overview of facelifts

Some providers offer upper or lower facelifts, which lift only part of your face. At Advanced Plastic Surgery Center, we do not provide these upper or lower facelifts, preferring to focus instead on more customized procedures that can achieve the same results.

When we do a full facelift, we first need to make sure that you’re in good overall health, as this will play a significant role in how quickly you recover. 

Alternatives to facelifts

If you’re beginning to see the first signs of aging, we may not yet recommend a full facelift for you. In such cases, we can often erase aging signs like mild wrinkles and sagging skin by using less invasive methods.

One alternative method that we may use is fat transfer, in which we take the fat from elsewhere and use it to increase the volume in your cheeks. We may recommend that you combine this procedure with other procedures such as eyelid or eyebrow lifts to create a more holistic look that still leaves you looking refreshed and younger.

Sometimes, we may determine that other procedures are more appropriate for you than a facelift. One example is that if you don’t have much loose, sagging skin but have several fine lines and wrinkles, we may recommend a different procedure such as laser resurfacing. The whole point is to select the customized solution that will help you to look your best.

The facelift procedure

In a standard full facelift procedure, we pull the skin toward your hairline to tighten your skin’s appearance. This procedure usually has scars hidden by your hairline so that they won’t be visible.

After a facelift, your face will be wrapped in bandages, which you’ll need to wear for about a week. We remove the bandages at a follow-up appointment about a week after the surgery. Don’t be alarmed if you have some bruising and swelling after the surgery; this is normal and should subside over the first week. You can take pain medication during this time.

Although you’ll generally be allowed to return to work after about a week, you may wish to take a bit more time off or work from home if you’re able. This will allow the bruising to fade more completely. You should also avoid vigorous activity for the first six weeks or so after the procedure.

If you have troublesome issues like loose, sagging skin or wrinkles, schedule a consultation with the providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center today or request an appointment online. Together, we can come up with a customized treatment plan that can help you look your best.

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