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Tighten Up Your Skin with Ultherapy

You may have noticed some signs of aging started to creep up on you. Perhaps the skin on your neck and chest has gotten a bit looser, or you’ve noticed more sagging on your face. While the only old solution would have been to get a facelift, now you have options that are both less invasive and less expensive.

One of the newest treatments for aging skin that doesn’t yet require a full facelift is the so-called “mini-lift.” Also known by its official name, Ultherapy, this revolutionary treatment alternative is comparatively pain-free, with no recovery time. The providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center offer this guide to this new procedure.

How Ultherapy works

Ultherapy is an alternative to the facelift that works to tighten up your skin. It was approved by the FDA in 2009, with over a half-million procedures performed each year. The advantage of Ultherapy is that it can target specific areas where you have loose skin and which may you look older. 

Some of the areas we can tighten up with Ultherapy include the skin on your neck, your eyebrows, and to improve lines and wrinkles on your chest (decolletage). Unlike surgery, Ultherapy uses the advantages of ultrasound energy to tighten your skin.

What to expect from the procedure

For most people, the Ultherapy procedure takes 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the size of the areas being tightened. As an outpatient procedure, you should expect to go home the same day. Any anesthesia that is given to you will usually be only topical. 

Before the procedure, the doctor marks the area(s) to be treated with a pen. He then performs the Ultherapy treatment. While you may experience some redness, bruising, or swelling for a few days after the procedure, you can return to work as soon as you feel comfortable. As a good rule of thumb, we advise all of our patients to wear sunscreen, but especially after having this procedure done.

However, if you don’t see immediate results after the procedure, don’t panic. Typical results appear two to six months after having Ultherapy because it takes time to stimulate your skin to produce more collagen.

Who shouldn’t get the procedure

While Ultherapy is an excellent option for many people who want a refreshed appearance, it’s not suitable for everyone. You should not get Ultherapy done if you have any of the following conditions:

Although Ultherapy does provide significant results, the results are simply no substitute for a full facelift. It’s much better done as a preventative measure at early signs of aging, rather than as a corrective once deeper signs of aging are established.

Ultherapy is a great solution for skin that needs a little help to look younger. By stimulating collagen production, your skin can have that refreshed and rejuvenated look that you seek. If you don’t yet feel the need for a full facelift, Ultherapy provides a great “mini-lift” alternative.

If you’d like to learn more about Ultherapy, call our office today or request an appointment online.

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