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When to Consider Eyelid Surgery

If the skin around your eyes is sagging, it can make you look older than you are. In addition to looking older, it can also make you look tired, angry, or sad, even when you’re happy and well-rested.

An eyelid lift can be the solution that transforms your appearance. The procedure--also known as a blepharoplasty--can even have medical indications if your sagging eyelids interfere with your vision. The providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center explain more about this procedure and when you might want to consider having it done.

What is an eyelid lift?

An eyelid lift or blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin from the area around your eyes. It also tightens your skin around your eyes, which can remove wrinkles and sagging.

It’s performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that you’ll go home after the procedure is finished. You’ll receive both an intravenous medication to help you relax and puts a numbing medication in your eyes.

Two types of eyelid lifts

There are two different types of eyelid lifts: cosmetic blepharoplasty and functional blepharoplasty.

Cosmetic blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that is not strictly medically necessary. It improves your appearance around your eyes, including your eyebrows and the skin below your eyes.

Functional blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed either by a cosmetic surgeon or by an ophthalmologist (or an oculoplastic surgeon, a subspecialty of ophthalmology.) In these cases, your eyelid skin may be sagging or drooping enough to interfere with your vision. Other functional blepharoplasty indicators include having difficulty wearing contact lenses or glasses because of the excess skin or skin irritation caused by the excess folds of skin rubbing against each other.

What an eyelid lift can address

You may think that an eyelid lift is only for older adults, but people of all ages may choose it for various purposes. Certainly, it can be used to address early signs of aging, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin around your eyes.

Other reasons that some people may choose to get an eyelid lift include under-eye puffiness or hooded eyelids. Hooded eyelids are usually a genetic condition that can make it difficult to apply eyeshadow and other eye makeup. Under-eye puffiness, or bags under the eyes, can also be a genetic condition that has nothing to do with how much sleep you get.

In some cases, if your eyebrow droops close to the pupil of your eye, the surgeon may perform a procedure called ptosis to support the eyebrow muscle.

An eyelid lift can instantly make you look younger, more alert, and more awake. Depending on the appearance of your eyelids, it may also make you look happier and friendlier.

Recovering from an eyelid lift

If you want to get an eyelid lift, you need to stop smoking a couple of weeks before the procedure. 

After the procedure, your eyes may be blurry from the ointment put in your eyes. Other normal but temporary side effects include light sensitivity, watering eyes, double vision, puffy eyelids, pain, and bruising or swelling.

You’ll use ice packs on your eyes for 10 minutes out of every hour the night after the procedure. You can also use ice packs on your eyes 4 or 5 times a day after the procedure. The ice packs will reduce swelling. You can also use cool compresses for the same purpose.

You’ll also want to sleep with your head raised higher than your chest for a few days after the surgery. 

If you wear contact lenses, you’ll want to wait about two weeks to wear them after your procedure.

During your recovery period, avoid using aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Advil or Aleve) because these may increase bleeding. It is okay to use Tylenol.

If you would like to find out if you’re a good candidate for an eyelid lift, call to make an appointment for a consultation. Call the providers at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center today or request an appointment online.

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