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Why Choose High-Definition Liposuction over Regular Liposuction

Why Choose High-Definition Liposuction over Regular Liposuction

You’ve been steadily watching your diet and hitting the gym, but you may feel frustrated by a lack of the results you want to see. While diet and exercise are essential to keep your body healthy, they may not always be enough to target some of your trouble spots.

Maybe you’ve considered traditional liposuction, which is great for removing stubborn pockets of fat. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for both men and women. However, a newer procedure called high-definition liposuction may suit your goals better than traditional liposuction. Advanced Plastic Surgery Center specialists explain the differences and why high-definition may be a better choice for you.

What is high-definition liposuction?

Traditional liposuction removes fat from your body using a thin metal tube called a cannula. While this is a very effective method of removing fat, it’s not as targeted as high-definition liposuction.

High-definition liposuction uses a different type of technique called VASER liposuction. This technique allows us to focus on specific trouble spots that you would like to have a more sculpted or defined appearance. 

Some common spots for high-definition liposuction include the following:

Sometimes, high-definition liposuction is also combined with fat transfer techniques. In these procedures, we may remove excess fat from areas of your body where it’s unwanted and then graft it to another body part. This is ideal for creating a sculpted appearance, which is popular with both men and women. For example, we can create the appearance of “six-pack” abdominal muscles through abdominal etching.

What to expect before the procedure

When you consult with our specialists, they will take a full health history and ask about your goals for your appearance.

We can also tell you if you’re likely to get the results you want to see from the procedure. Even more so than traditional liposuction, you should be close to your ideal weight before getting high-definition liposuction done.

High-definition liposuction is performed using the VASER method, which stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. In simple terms, this means that your procedure has an additional step of using ultrasonic energy to guide the removal of fat.

The procedure

When you come in for your high-definition liposuction appointment, it is almost always an outpatient procedure, meaning that you can go home the same day as your procedure.

You’ll generally receive full anesthesia, meaning you won’t be awake for the procedure. However, once you wake up from anesthesia, you’ll be released to go home with someone driving you. You’ll continue your recovery at home.

What to expect after the procedure

Although you will likely be released to go home the same day of the procedure, you should expect some soreness and bruising as you recover. The swelling and bruising may or may not have anything to do with the length of your procedure.

As the swelling goes down, your results will become more noticeable daily. Although you can tell your results as soon as the same day, the real results appear even more noticeably as your skin heals.

If you’re interested in what high-definition liposuction could do for you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation. Contact the specialists at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center or request an appointment online.

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