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Thigh Lift Specialist

Advanced Plastic Surgery Center

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons located in DC area, Arlington, VA

A thighplasty, or thigh lift, can take care of sagging skin and fat pockets in your inner and outer thighs, which often linger following significant weight loss. The expert cosmetic and plastic surgeons at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center in Arlington, Virginia, reform your physique with this procedure. Make a consultation by calling or scheduling online to learn more about this permanent solution to excess skin on your thighs.

Thigh Lift Q & A

What is a thigh lift?

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure used to tighten the skin on your inner thighs. The procedure includes the removal of excess skin and fat pockets as well as building support in the under layers of tissue. A thigh lift leaves you with a smoother, lifted appearance so your thighs are proportional to your overall physique.

Who is a candidate for a thigh lift?

Candidates for thigh lifts usually have excess soft tissue, such as skin and small pockets of fat, in the inner and outer thigh regions. Often this loose tissue is a result of significant weight loss — you lost the fat, but extra skin remains. People with notable excess fat in the thighs might do better with liposuction.

Thigh lift candidates should also be at a stable weight and not smoke. The doctors at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center can help you determine if the procedure is right for your physique goals.

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What happens during a thigh lift?

A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. The doctors create seams, remove any excess skin and fat pockets, and add sutures to support the underlying tissues. They then smooth the thighs to create a tight, natural look.

After the procedure, the doctors bandage you and give you at-home care instructions to treat the wounds as you heal. The particulars of your healing depend on your particular case.

Does a thigh lift result in a scar?

The doctors at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center do their best to make the incisions as unnoticeable as possible.

The seam is most often placed along the groin. This line lies against a natural body crease, so any scarring is minimal and hard to see.

When will I see results from a thigh lift?

You’ll notice changes in your thighs’ appearance and shape right away. But optimal results are seen once the swelling and bruising go down over the course of a few weeks.

To learn how you can get rid of sagging skin and lingering fat pockets on your thighs, call Advanced Plastic Surgery Center or schedule a consultation using the online tool.